We are very excited to share with you that, here at Grand Blanc United Methodist Church, we will be utilizing a new online ministry platform called “SubSplash.”  One of the many benefits of this new “all-in-one” platform is that it provides us with a safe, secure, online giving platform that will ultimately replace VANCO, our current online giving tool, and make online giving, whether it is one-time or recurring, much, much easier.  We are very excited about this new tool.
You will need to start by creating a profile in SubSplash.  This is a one time step.  Please click here to begin this simple process.  You can click here for a step-by-step video tutorial if you have any questions on creating your account. If you need any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact the church office.

If you miss putting your offering in the collection plate on Sunday mornings, there are “I give electronically” cards that are available in the pews for you to place in the offering plate.